Parish Council Minutes

April 25, 2006

The moderator began the meeting at 7:16 P.M. Present were Rick Carey, George Hayden, Mike Dunfee, Phil Johnson, Sue Johnson, Barbara Langill, Sue Lambe, Chris Gehret and Linda Ladd. Sue Lambe offered the meditation. Minutes from the March 28th council meeting were approved.

Pastor’s Report: Mike continues to pursue a settled pastor position. Council discussed plans for summer preachers should the need arise.

Financial Report: Sue Johnson reported that year-to-date pledges/offerings are running behind. A letter will be sent to the congregation to remind everyone of their pledges.

Pastoral Search Update: Phil reported that the committee has received 60 profiles to date, and completed 4 interviews. The committee has begun to observe the candidates preaching. This will continue on May 7th. Second interviews will then take place.

Christian Ed. Report: Barbara told us that fundraising for the Sr. High Youth Group’s mission trip to NYC is underway and going well. Flamingo "flocking" has begun and a car wash/ bake sale is scheduled for Saturday. The men’s a capella group "Blue of a Kind" will perform a concert to benefit the trip at CCC on Saturday, May 13th at 5:00 P.M. Barbara has been notified of a regional youth UCC event taking place in July at the U. of Maine at Orono. She also reported that attendance at Senior High Youth Group has been very good, 20 attended last week.

Administration Report: Rick reported that the properties commission will meet on May 1st. They will discuss the ongoing elevator problems and the need for a service contract; as well as scheduling a spring clean-up and future improvements to the narthex area.

Faith Development Report: Linda reported that Easter Fun Day was a success and very well attended. Children’s Sunday will be June 11th and will feature a musical. The Tower Day School Board will meet next week, security and signing will be discussed. TDS will also be changing their fiscal year to coincide with the church’s. Linda also proposed taking photos of new church members and displaying them.

Moderator’s Report: Phil informed council that CCC is the beneficiary of an estate that hopes to be settled by June. We then continued the discussion from the previous meeting on the revision of the church by-laws. New ideas and proposals were reviewed at length, council members are to read all proposals at home prior to our next meeting. We then discussed a proposed organizational structure and revised committee structure.

The next council meeting will take place on May 23rd, at 7:00 P.M. Mike offered a closing prayer. The moderator adjourned the meeting at 9:25 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Lambe, Recording Clerk